Past events
interpack 2023
interpack is the global trendsetter for the future of the packaging industry.
LEIPA Round Table Talk #1/23
Time to get physical: Why will impact and adaptability be so important in 2023?
INGEDE-Symposium 2023
Availability, quality and alternative fibre materials are the key topics at the symposium
E-Commerce Packaging and Labelling Expo 2023
For packaging and labelling industry to online business owners
Packaging Innovations 2023
Packaging Innovations is the UK’s leading event driving innovation and business in primary and secondary packaging.
LEIPA Round Table Talk #4/22
The most wonderful time of the year: The countdown to Christmas.
Environmental Packaging Summit 2022
Part of Initiative Packaging News Event initiative to promote environmental awareness.
LEIPA papinar #2/22
Bringing Paper and Packaging to Life! Unique experiences with LEIPA and snoopstar AR.