CAMPUS SCHWEDT - Future location Uckermark

In cooperation with the ICU Investor Center Uckermark GmbH, the PCK Raffinerie GmbH, the LEIPA Group GmbH, the district of Uckermark and the IHK Ostbrandenburg, the "Arbeitskreis Nord - Zukunft der Uckermark" (North Working Group - Future of the Uckermark) has established the The study "RECODE UCKERMARK 2030 - Location and Future Analysis" published in January 2019 defines central guidelines for a positive development of the region:
Strengthening and expanding industrial coresStrengthening the innovative strength of companiesEstablish cross-border economic region Szczecin/Uckermark as metropolitan region SzczecinTo raise tourism potentials.
On the initiative of LEIPA, the Innovation Campus Schwedt emerged from this study and the association "Innovation Campus Metropolregion Berlin Stettin (meBest) e.V." was founded. The founding members include PCK, Verbio, Butting, Eberswalde University of Applied Sciences, Uckermark Business Association and LEIPA.
This association pursues exclusively non-profit goals for the promotion of education and research. The statute purpose is the development, the enterprise and the marketing of the innovation Campus Schwedt. It will be responsible for the implementation of scientific events and research projects, the maintenance of an educational institution, lectures at universities and support for start-ups. In a so-called real laboratory, students, companies and start-ups can develop large-scale maturity processes of pilot and research facilities and thus also realize a close networking of educational and research institutions at the Schwedt location.
Both the state of Brandenburg and the federal government have pledged their active support for this future project and important milestones for the Uckermark and Brandenburg.