175 Years

We thank you for
175 years of LEIPA

From Schrobenhausen to the whole world

LEIPA 175 years

On July 5, 1847 – exactly 175 years ago – Michael Leinfelder purchased the paper mill in Schrobenhausen. At the time, he probably had no idea what the small craftsman's business would later become. Namely, an international family business with customers all over the world, known for sustainable products and committed employees.

It is precisely these employees and, of course, our customers and business partners who, through their loyalty, have made it possible for us to thank them today for 175 years of LEIPA.

Many customers and partners have accompanied us for years and even decades. And although we have grown and developed continuously, we still see ourselves as one big LEIPA family.

We also do not see ourselves as a simple supplier, but also as a consultant and companion, passing on our knowledge from 175 years of sustainable paper and packaging expertise to our customers. Together, we ensure closed loops and work towards a brighter future. For today's generation, but most importantly for the generations of tomorrow and beyond.

We are very much looking forward to shaping the LEIPA of the future together with our employees and also our customers and partners.

Here's to the next 175 years!

LEIPA can look back on 175 years of success

Customer quotes

Božidar Protić
“Happy birthday and keep up with great work! We appreciate the excellent quality of your product.“Božidar Protić
Director of Procurement
Smurfit Kappa Serbia
Lukáš Bilíček
“Happy birthday! 175 years of hard work, experience and of course success… That´s my feeling from LEIPA. Thank you for your good cooperation, customer focused and professional approach and wish you all the best to the future!“Lukáš Bilíček
Head of Procurement
Model Obaly a.s.

Hagen Szcepanski
“Dear LEIPA team, in order for a company to successfully hold its own in the market for over 175 years, it requires a consistent culture of values as well as the increased initiative of human strength. This strength is possessed by the employees of LEIPA. Coupled with enthusiasm for their own work and the firm will not only to adapt to the market, but to move forward innovatively and with enthusiasm for their own actions. This is the only way to conquer new mountains again and again and to grow beyond oneself. Today, you can be justifiably proud of such a development, a work of generations. On behalf of our employees at Vogtland-Kartonagen GmbH, I would like to congratulate you warmly on the occasion of your 175th company anniversary and I am delighted about our good, decades-long cooperation. The secret for this good connection lies in the people who deal with each other. It has always been your liaison partners who have understood how to be real partners at "eye level" for us, too, with professional expertise, humor, empathy and the will for mutually beneficial solutions. For this, we would like to express our sincere thanks once again.But we also look ahead and say: Keep it up! Stay as you are! Keep up the good work! Here's to a successful and happy future!“Hagen Sczepanski
Managing Director
Vogtland-Kartonagen GmbH
Ronny Ruider
“‘Paths are made by walking them.’ (Franz Kafka) – The LEIPA company looks back on an impressive 175 years. A long time through many social epochs characterized by ups & downs and with certainly not always easy forks in the road. I take my hat off to this achievement and congratulate everyone involved for this achievement. On behalf of the entire PAKA team, I wish you all the best for your anniversary and continued success. I say thank you for the many years of trustful cooperation and I am happy to know that LEIPA will continue to be at our side in the years to come.“Ronny Ruider
Managing Partner
PAKA Glashütter Pappen- und Kartonagenfabrik GmbH

Marius-Catalin Ivanciu
“Congratulations on your 175th anniversary! A wonderful and devoted team, focused on customer requests to solve them in the shortest possible time. Thank you, we are proud that we chose to use your products and we want to used them at least another 175 years from now. Happy birthday, LEIPA!“Marius-Catalin Ivanciu
Head of Procurement Department

Liv Gustavsen
“Happy birthday to LEIPA – 175 year with excellent recycling paper production!“Liv Gustavsen
Scandinavian agent for LEIPA
Ulrich Harsch and Oliver Leinfelder
“Hyper LEIPA! Happy birthday! For 175 years material from Leipa, for our customer this is optimal!“Ulrich Harsch, Purchasing Manager (left)
Oliver Leinfelder, Deputy Purchasing Manager (right)
Staudigl-Druck GmbH & Co. KG
Sepp Bayer
“175 years is a proud anniversary – we, the company Bayer Kartonagen GmbH, would like to congratulate the LEIPA Georg Leinfelder GmbH and its employees on the many years of existence. For many years, LEIPA has stood for reliability, competence and consistent quality. We produce packaging from LEIPA cardboard. Our companies have been working together for three generations now. I would like to take this birthday as an opportunity to tell you that I have never regarded our contact as a purely business matter, but have also experienced it as humanly enriching in many situations. I would like to thank you very much for the fair partnership over all these years. I wish for the future a continued fair and trustful cooperation with LEIPA and wish the jubilarian many more successful decades!“Sepp Bayer
Managing Director
Bayer Kartonagen GmbH
Marc Sabaté Rius
“A great Happy Birthday to all LEIPA Family to make 175 years is not thanks to a single person or situation, it is the result of the professionality and generousity of a many persons during the past of many years, i am personally involved with LEIPA since 1998 and of course i feel very proud of being part of this successful living business case!”Marc Sabaté Rius
Managing Director and Founder
SECOPA S.L., Spain
Patrick Deconinck
„My name is Patrick Deconinck. I am the owner of my company PDC Agency, which I founded in the year 2000 in Belgium. PDC Agency is acting as an independent exclusive sales agent, mainly focused on its two home markets, Belgium and the Netherlands. With more than four decades of experience in agency business, I am particularly proud of representing LEIPA’s packaging papers for 22 years. Even after all those years, no day is the same. Facing the great challenge to satisfy at the same time the customer and the principal, and struggling permanently to perform successfully, is a tricky but passionate job, where only win-win situations prevail. LEIPA’s 175 years history is a fantastic milestone and a proof of success in long term strategic vision, which I tried to achieve as well with the modest longevity of my career, dedicated to serve LEIPA and keeping our customers happy. Congratulations to all LEIPA's decision makers, past and present, and happy anniversary to Leipa family. Cheers to the future!“Patrick Deconinck
PDC Agency

We look forward to your words.

Would you like to share your thoughts and memories about our anniversary or express congratulations? Please use our guestbook. Thank you very much!


175 years of LEIPA – Congratulations. LEIPA is a blessing for Schrobenhausen. Many people find a job here and can be proud of their company, where sustainability is also a matter of course. I wish LEIPA only the very best for the future.

Gerhard Winter, Economic Officer of the City of Schrobenhausen

As your neighbors, we are pleased to be able to congratulate you on your 175th anniversary. A medium-sized center like Schrobenhausen can be proud to have LEIPA in its ranks. With the wish for further good neighborly relations, we look forward to shaping the future with you.

Martha Stief and Josef Plöckl, Stief Inn and Butcher's Shop, Zum Schimmelwirt

Congratulations on your 175th anniversary LEIPA, a wonderful and devoted team, focused on customer requests to solve them in the shortest possible time. Thank you, we are proud that we chose to use your products and we want to used them at least another 175 years from now. Happy birthday LEIPA!

Marius Ivanciu, VRANCART S.A.

Congratulations LEIPA! What a great team to work with and looking forward to enjoying continued business and success together in the future.

Katherine Hawkins, Lindenmeyr International Ltd

It was nice that I was able to follow and shape this path for a few years. Good luck for the next 175 years!

Reinhard Etzel, LEIPA Schwedt

Incredible achievement and testament to LEIPA as a company...I’ve long admired the length of service of individual employees but to achieve such a milestone as a family owned company and continuing to think about the future is absolutely phenomenal! Continuously evolving, I cannot wait to see and be a part of LEIPA’s exciting future!

Sarah Lesting, LEIPA UK

The Presidium of the Uckermark Entrepreneurs' Association sends its heartfelt congratulations on the occasion of its 175th anniversary. We would like to take this opportunity to thank the management and all employees for their outstanding achievements. These are 175 successful years in which LEIPA has also faced new and great challenges. We wish you continued success so that you and your employees can celebrate many more anniversaries in the future!

Dr. Ulrich Menter, President of the Entrepreneurs' Association Uckermark e.V.

Congratulations on this incredible milestone we are Gould look forward to doing business with LEIPA for the next 175 years!

Ken Tickner, Gould Paper

For more than 20 years, LEIPA has been a preferred supplier of 100% recycled paper for printing our brochures. As a retailer that has always placed great emphasis on "sustainability" and "limiting waste streams," we made a conscious decision to choose Leipa. Congratulations on our 175th anniversary.

Frans Verbeken, Colruyt Group (Belgium)

It is an honor for me to have witnessed a small piece of the past and at the same time to be able to help shape the future for generations to come. Congratulations "old lady" , keep it up with a positive view of the future.

Schwager, LEIPA Group GmbH

Happy anniversary LEIPA and what a history of paper making! Keep up the good work, sustainability, quality and service for at least the next 175 years. Times are challenging but paper will be needed also in future times, we're looking forward for new applications. We wish you best of luck, for Leipa and his Staff members and employees

Frederik De Cremer, Colruyt Group

CONGRATULATIONS! Remarkable story and an exciting journey...

Sandro Taske, LEIPA Georg Leinfelder GmbH

Thank you for allowing me to be part of this story and the LEIPA family!

Sebastian Stockfisch, LEIPA Georg Leinfelder GmbH Werk Süd

All the best, birthday boy! Have fun celebrating the whole team, today, the next weeks and months! Maybe already tonight at the After-Work from 16.30 clock with ride with bike and motorcycles!

Michael Mehner, SOB

To have existed 175 years in a constantly changing political as well as economic environment and to still be passionate enough to want to write another 175 years of successful family history is a real achievement and therefore from me a hearty "well done"!

Ewald Steiner, LEIPA Georg Leinfelder GmbH

Congratulations and thanks to all colleagues who keep the company running and personally also for the good cooperation. I am looking forward to the next years!

Matthias Elsweier, LEIPA Group

Especially in our fast-moving times, it is important to be able to pause. 175 years of company history are a very special occasion for this. This company is steeped in history and many remarkable milestones, created by people. Congratulations on your anniversary.

Christian Ascherl-Landauer, MAD Recycling GmbH

Fantastic for a company to reach such a milestone. Your employees in the UK are superb to work with and a credit to the LEIPA Group.

Joakim Nyman, Weedon Corrugated Products

Happy Birthday LEIPA! Extremely proud to be part of this great team for the last 2 years, and looking forward to more! Here's to the next 175 years.....

Tom Sussmes, LEIPA UK

175 years - Wow, impressive! Not many companies can look back on such a long and successful period and so much history. I would like to congratulate the owner family and the entire workforce on this great success and thank them for their many years of good cooperation. Here's to the next 175 years!

Christian Paul Stobbe, STOBBE.WTF

Advertisement in the Schrobenhausener Wochenblatt of September 16, 1896.

Careers at LEIPA

Be part of shaping the next 175 years of LEIPA!

As a family business, we stand for future-proof jobs in a wide range of specialist areas and qualifications. We have been growing continuously for 175 years and are happy about every new team or rather family member.

You can find our current offers and all information about development opportunities at LEIPA on our job portal.

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For information on training and dual studies at LEIPA, please visit our trainee portal.

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We celebrate 175 years of LEIPA!

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