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LEIPA Group GmbH
Kuhheide 34
16303 Schwedt / Oder
Phone: +49 3332 24-00
Fax: +49 3332 24-3233
Represented by
Antonio Bellante (C.), Torsten Fleck, Robin Huesmann, Christian Schürmann, Heiner Kudrus
Chairperson of the Board of Supervisors
Matthias Platzeck
Commercial Register Entry:
Registergericht Neuruppin HRB 9825 NP
USt-ID: DE 139042625
Responsible for contents in accordance with § 55(2) RStV (German Interstate Broadcasting Treaty)
Antonio Bellante (C.), Torsten Fleck, Robin Huesmann, Christian Schürmann, Heiner Kudrus
Press Contact
Liability disclaimer
In spite of thorough checking, we can accept no liability for the content of external links. The operators of these websites bear exclusive responsibility for their content.
If not shown on the picture: Andrejs Kirma, ChilliColor, doraclub,, flatart_icons, Freepik, Good Ware, Iconjam, juicy_fish, Kiranshastry, kosonicon, Nikita Golubev, Parzival’ 1997, Pixel perfect, small.smiles, Smashicons, smashingstocks, surang, Umeicon, Vectors Tank (all Flaticon)