Sustainable printing and packaging solutions
With our team of LEIPA Sustainable Solutions Consulting – SSC for short – we accompany and prepare the way to a future worth living.
Sustainability and the circular economy are the leading paths to a better future. But what is sustainable? Which circuits are closed? What environmentally friendly solutions are already available today – and what can we expect tomorrow?
With 175 years of experience and know-how we produce 100% recycled fibre-based paper for graphic applications and packaging solutions. We also have many years of expertise in flexible packaging, which underlines the sustainability of the packaged products. At LEIPA we are happy to share our knowledge when it comes to sustainable and innovative solutions.
With our team of LEIPA Sustainable Solutions Consulting, we advise and accompany our customers on their way to sustainable and environmentally friendly concepts. In doing so we keep an eye on the entire process and production chain, offering holistic solutions. LEIPA SSC – Inspiration for Innovation & Transformation.
Our fast-paced times present unprecedented challenges, ranging from digital transformation and Covid-19 to interrupted supply chains and scarcity of resources. But, at the same time, we firmly believe we have been given unprecedented opportunities. As one of the market leaders in the field of recycled paper we know how important it is to use these opportunities sensibly and work together to meet our goals.
Because there is no single correct way, Reduce only works optimally in conjunction with Reuse and Recycle, and the circular economy is only fully effective when the cycles are completely closed. Just as with the SDGs of the United Nations, by the same token the social and ecological aspects must always be considered. Then, together, the step towards a brighter future will succeed.
LEIPA SSC uses the knowledge and tools of our time, coupled with the flexibility and numerous skills of a broad-based group of companies, to pass on experience and knowledge. Our dedicated consulting team for sustainable solutions acts as an innovation hub – for our customers, our group of companies and, in particular, our employees.
Among other things, with our Round Table Talks and Papinars as part of leipa.live, we regularly offer interesting online events and webinars that provide inspiration for innovation and transformation.
LEIPA Circology
With Sustainability-as-a-Service we have launched a modular system that allows the path to more sustainability to be taken step by step – from the decision to use environmentally friendly LEIPA products to an optimized logistics concept and completely closed cycles. As a customer you decide individually how we can help you on the way to achieving your goals.
As the LEIPA SSC team we not only deal with our own products and services but also think outside the box, enabling us to provide holistic advice. Our commitment intentionally includes the topics of research, development and innovative start-ups. This way we succeed in developing coherent and inspiring solutions for, and with, our customers.
Passionate partner. Since 1847.
Founded in 1847 the LEIPA Group is a leading family-owned paper and packaging manufacturer. Our solution is Sustainability-as-a-Service for printing and packaging, our products are environmentally friendly, mostly recyclable and paper-based – independent, responsible and future-oriented. This shapes and characterizes the way we work, interact with each other, how we communicate and how we take responsibility for people, the environment and nature. By employing these actions today we are laying the foundation for the coming generations and successes of tomorrow.
The LEIPA Group sees itself as a partner of brand owners, packaging specialists, printers, publishers and retailers and actively advises on all topics relating to responsible printing and packaging. Together with our customers and partners we develop solutions, new products and optimize processes so that not only waste is avoided, but an active contribution is made to the sustainability strategy of our customers. LEIPA is your partner for environmentally friendly paper and packaging. In this way we support the ecological modernization of society.
Get in touch
Head of Sustainable Solutions Consulting
“Together with our customers and partners, we think outside the box to further develop circular economy.“
Senior Manager Digital Business Development
“Paper and digitization are not opposites, but combined together form the basis for an excellent circular economy.“
Have we aroused your interest in sustainable solutions and closed cycles? Get in direct contact with us and let us find out together how we can advise and accompany you on the way to more sustainability.